URIスキーム |
辞書:通信用語の基礎知識 通信技術用語編 (CTYOGO) |
読み:ユーアーアイ-スキーム |
外語:URI scheme |
品詞:名詞 |
概要 |
衝突を避けるためURIスキームは登録が必要で、手順はRFC 4395で定義される。
一覧 |
恒久的なURIスキーム |
URIスキーム | 用途 | 定義 |
aaa | Diameter Protocol | RFC 6733 |
aaas | Diameter Protocol with Secure Transport | RFC 6733 |
about | about | RFC 6694 |
acap | application configuration access protocol | RFC 2244 |
acct | acct | I-D[ietf-appsawg-acct-uri-07] |
cap | Calendar Access Protocol | RFC 4324 |
cid | content identifier | RFC 2392 |
coap | coap | RFC 7252 |
coaps | coaps | RFC 7252 |
crid | TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier | RFC 4078 |
data | data | RFC 2397 |
dav | dav | RFC 4918 |
dict | dictionary service protocol | RFC 2229 |
dns | Domain Name System | RFC 4501 |
file | ホスト固有のファイル名 | RFC 1738 |
ftp | File Transfer Protocol | RFC 1738 |
geo | Geographic Locations | RFC 5870 |
go | go | RFC 3368 |
gopher | Gopher | RFC 4266 |
h323 | ITU-T H.323 | RFC 3508 |
http | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | RFC 7230 |
https | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure | RFC 7230 |
iax | Inter-Asterisk eXchange Version 2 | RFC 5456 |
icap | Internet Content Adaptation Protocol | RFC 3507 |
im | Instant Messaging | RFC 3860 |
imap | internet message access protocol | RFC 5092 |
info | Information Assets with Identifiers in Public Namespaces | RFC 4452 |
ipp | Internet Printing Protocol | RFC 3510 |
ipps | Internet Printing Protocol over HTTPS | I-D[mcdonald-ipps-uri-scheme-18] |
iris | Internet Registry Information Service | RFC 3981 |
iris.beep | iris.beep | RFC 3983 |
iris.xpc | iris.xpc | RFC 4992 |
iris.xpcs | iris.xpcs | RFC 4992 |
iris.lwz | iris.lwz | RFC 4993 |
jabber | jabber、XMPP | Peter_Saint-Andre |
ldap | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | RFC 4516 |
mailto | メールアドレス | RFC 6068 |
mid | message identifier | RFC 2392 |
msrp | Message Session Relay Protocol | RFC 4975 |
msrps | Message Session Relay Protocol Secure | RFC 4975 |
mtqp | Message Tracking Query Protocol | RFC 3887 |
mupdate | Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) Protocol | RFC 3656 |
news | Usenetニューズ | RFC 5538 |
nfs | network file system protocol | RFC 2224 |
ni | ni | RFC 6920 |
nih | nih | RFC 6920 |
nntp | NNTPアクセスを使うUsenetニューズ | RFC 5538 |
opaquelocktoken | opaquelocktokent | RFC 4918 |
pop | Post Office Protocol v3 | RFC 2384 |
pres | Presence | RFC 3859 |
reload | reload | RFC 6940 |
rtsp | real time streaming protocol | RFC 2326、I-D[ietf-mmusic-rfc2326bis-40] |
rtsps | RTSP over TLS | RFC 2326、I-D[ietf-mmusic-rfc2326bis-40] |
rtspu | RTSP over unreliable datagram transport | RFC 2326 |
service | service location | RFC 2609 |
session | session | RFC 6787 |
shttp | Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol | RFC 2660 |
sieve | ManageSieve Protocol | RFC 5804 |
sip | session initiation protocol | RFC 3261 |
sips | secure session initiation protocol | RFC 3261 |
sms | Short Message Service | RFC 5724 |
snmp | Simple Network Management Protocol | RFC 4088 |
soap.beep | soap.beep | RFC 4227 |
soap.beeps | soap.beeps | RFC 4227 |
stun | stun | RFC 7064 |
stuns | stuns | RFC 7064 |
tag | tag | RFC 4151 |
tel | 電話 | RFC 3966 |
telnet | TELNET | RFC 4248 |
tftp | Trivial File Transfer Protocol | RFC 3617 |
thismessage | multipart/related relative reference resolution | RFC 2557 |
tn3270 | Interactive 3270 emulation sessions | RFC 6270 |
tip | Transaction Internet Protocol | RFC 2371 |
turn | turn | RFC 7065 |
turns | turns | RFC 7065 |
tv | TV Broadcasts | RFC 2838 |
urn | Uniform Resource Names | RFC 2141 |
vemmi | versatile multimedia interface | RFC 2122 |
ws | WebSocket connections | RFC 6455 |
wss | Encrypted WebSocket connections | RFC 6455 |
xcon | xcon | RFC 6501 |
xcon-userid | xcon-userid | RFC 6501 |
xmlrpc.beep | xmlrpc.beep | RFC 3529 |
xmlrpc.beeps | xmlrpc.beeps | RFC 3529 |
xmpp | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol | RFC 5122 |
z39.50r | Z39.50 Retrieval | RFC 2056 |
z39.50s | Z39.50 Session | RFC 2056 |
暫定のURIスキーム |
URIスキーム | 用途 | 定義 |
acr | acr | OMA-OMNA |
adiumxtra | adiumxtra | Dave_Thaler |
afp | afp | Dave_Thaler |
afs | Andrew File System global file names | RFC 1738 |
aim | aim | Dave_Thaler |
apt | apt | Dave_Thaler |
attachment | attachment | Dave_Thaler |
aw | aw | Dave_Thaler |
barion | barion | B〓r〓_Tam〓s |
beshare | beshare | Dave_Thaler |
bitcoin | bitcoin | Dave_Thaler |
bolo | bolo | Dave_Thaler |
callto | callto | Alexey_Melnikov |
chrome | chrome | Dave_Thaler |
chrome-extension | chrome-extension | Dave_Thaler |
com-eventbrite-attendee | com-eventbrite-attendee | Bob_Van_Zant |
content | content | Dave_Thaler |
cvs | cvs | Dave_Thaler |
dlna-playsingle | dlna-playsingle | DLNA |
dlna-playcontainer | dlna-playcontainer | DLNA |
dtn | DTNRG research and development | RFC 5050 |
dvb | dvb | I-D[mcroberts-uri-dvb] |
ed2k | ed2k | Dave_Thaler |
facetime | facetime | Dave_Thaler |
feed | feed | Dave_Thaler |
feedready | feedready | Mirko_Nosenzo |
finger | finger | Dave_Thaler |
fish | fish | Dave_Thaler |
gg | gg | Dave_Thaler |
git | git | Dave_Thaler |
gizmoproject | gizmoproject | Dave_Thaler |
gtalk | gtalk | Dave_Thaler |
ham | ham | RFC 7046 |
hcp | hcp | Alexey_Melnikov |
icon | icon | I-D[lafayette-icon-uri-scheme] |
ipn | ipn | RFC 6260 |
irc | irc | Dave_Thaler |
irc6 | irc6 | Dave_Thaler |
ircs | ircs | Dave_Thaler |
itms | itms | Dave_Thaler |
jar | jar | Dave_Thaler |
jms | Java Message Service | RFC 6167 |
keyparc | keyparc | Dave_Thaler |
lastfm | lastfm | Dave_Thaler |
ldaps | ldaps | Dave_Thaler |
magnet | magnet | Dave_Thaler |
maps | maps | Dave_Thaler |
market | market | Dave_Thaler |
message | message | Dave_Thaler |
mms | mms | Alexey_Melnikov |
ms-help | ms-help | Alexey_Melnikov |
ms-settings-power | ms-settings-power | urischemeowners_at_microsoft.com |
msnim | msnim | Alexey_Melnikov |
mumble | mumble | Dave_Thaler |
mvn | mvn | Dave_Thaler |
notes | notes | Dave_Thaler |
oid | oid | I-D[larmouth-oid-iri] |
palm | palm | Dave_Thaler |
paparazzi | paparazzi | Dave_Thaler |
pkcs11 | pkcs11 | I-D[pechanec-pkcs11uri] |
platform | platform | Dave_Thaler |
proxy | proxy | Dave_Thaler |
psyc | psyc | Dave_Thaler |
query | query | Dave_Thaler |
res | res | Alexey_Melnikov |
resource | resource | Dave_Thaler |
rmi | rmi | Dave_Thaler |
rsync | rsync | RFC 5781 |
rtmfp | rtmfp | RFC 7425 |
rtmp | rtmp | Dave_Thaler |
secondlife | query | Dave_Thaler |
sftp | query | Dave_Thaler |
sgn | sgn | Dave_Thaler |
skype | skype | Alexey_Melnikov |
smb | smb | Dave_Thaler |
smtp | smtp | I-D[melnikov-smime-msa-to-mda] |
soldat | soldat | Dave_Thaler |
spotify | spotify | Dave_Thaler |
ssh | ssh | Dave_Thaler |
steam | steam | Dave_Thaler |
submit | submit | I-D[melnikov-smime-msa-to-mda] |
svn | svn | Dave_Thaler |
teamspeak | teamspeak | Dave_Thaler |
teliaeid | teliaeid | Peter_Lewandowski |
things | things | Dave_Thaler |
udp | udp | Dave_Thaler |
unreal | unreal | Dave_Thaler |
ut2004 | ut2004 | Dave_Thaler |
ventrilo | ventrilo | Dave_Thaler |
view-source | view-source | Mykyta_Yevstifeyev |
webcal | webcal | Dave_Thaler |
wtai | wtai | Dave_Thaler |
wyciwyg | wyciwyg | Dave_Thaler |
xfire | xfire | Dave_Thaler |
xri | xri | Dave_Thaler |
ymsgr | ymsgr | Dave_Thaler |
歴史的なURIスキーム |
URIスキーム | 用途 | 定義 |
fax | fax | RFC 2806 RFC 3966 |
mailserver | Access to data available from mail servers | RFC 6196 |
modem | modem | RFC 2806 RFC 3966 |
pack | pack | I-D[shur-pack-uri-scheme] |
prospero | Prosperoディレクトリサービス | RFC 4157 |
snews | NNTP over SSL/TLS | RFC 5538 |
videotex | videotex | I-D[mavrakis-videotex-url-spec] RFC 2122 RFC 3986 |
wais | Wide Area Information Servers | RFC 4156 |
z39.50 | Z39.50 information access | RFC 1738 RFC 2056 |
その他 |
Netscape Navigatorでは、次のような独自のURIスキームが利用できる。
WindowsのInternet Explorerでは、次のような独自のURIスキームが利用できる。
リンク |
通信用語の基礎知識検索システム WDIC Explorer Ver 7.04a (27-May-2022) Search System : Copyright © Mirai corporation Dictionary : Copyright © WDIC Creators club |