第八章 地方自治
第九十三条 地方公共団体には、法律の定めるところにより、その議事機関として議会を設置する。
(2) 地方公共団体の長、その議会の議員及び法律の定めるその他の吏員は、その地方公共団体の住民が、直接これを選挙する。
Article 93.
1. The local public entities shall establish assemblies as their deliberative organs, in accordance with law.
2. The chief executive officers of all local public entities, the members of their assemblies, and such other local officials as may be determined by law shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities.
Local Government
Article LXXXVI.
The governors of prefectures, the mayors of cities and towns and the chief executive officers of all other subordinate bodies politic and corporate having taxing power, the members of prefectural and local legislative assemblies, and such other prefectural and local officials as the Diet may determine, shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities.
第八章 地方政治
第八十六条 府県知事、市長、町長、徴税権ヲ有スル其ノ他ノ一切ノ下級自治体及法人、府県及地方議会並ニ国会ノ定ムル其ノ他ノ府県及地方役員ハ夫レ夫レ其ノ社会内ニ於テ直接普遍選挙ニ依リ選挙セラルヘシ
CHAPTER VIII. Local Government
Article LXXXVI.
The governors of prefectures, the mayors of cities and towns and the chief executive officers of all other subordinate bodies politic and corporate having taxing power, the members of prefectural and local legislative assemblies, and such other prefectural and local officials as the Diet may determine, shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities.
第八章 地方政治
第八十六条 府県知事、市長、町長、徴税権ヲ有スル其ノ他ノ一切ノ下級自治体及法人、府県及地方議会並ニ国会ノ定ムル其ノ他ノ府県及地方役員ハ夫レ夫レ其ノ社会内ニ於テ直接普遍選挙ニ依リ選挙セラルヘシ