第一章 天皇
第五条 皇室典範の定めるところにより摂政を置くときは、摂政は、天皇の名でその国事に関する行為を行ふ。この場合には、前条第一項の規定を準用する。
Article 5.
When, in accordance with the Imperial House Law, a Regency is established, the Regent shall perform his acts in matters of state in the Emperor's name. In this case, paragraph one of the preceding article will be applicable.
CHAPTER I. The Emperor
Article IV.
When a regency is instituted in conformity with the provisions of such Imperial House Law as the Diet may enact, the duties of the Emperor shall be performed by the Regent in the name of the Emperor; and the limitations on the functions of the Emperor contained herein shall apply with equal force to the Regent.
第一章 皇帝
第四条 国会ノ制定スル皇室典範ノ規定ニ従ヒ摂政ヲ置クトキハ皇帝ノ責務ハ摂政之ヲ皇帝ノ名ニ於テ行フヘシ而シテ此ノ憲法ニ定ムル所ノ皇帝ノ機能ニ対スル制限ハ摂政ニ対シ等シク適用セラルヘシ