第四章 国会
第六十条 予算は、さきに衆議院に提出しなければならない。
(2) 予算について、参議院で衆議院と異なつた議決をした場合に、法律の定めるところにより、両議院の協議会を開いても意見が一致しないとき、又は参議院が、衆議院の可決した予算を受け取つた後、国会休会中の期間を除いて三十日以内に、議決しないときは、衆議院の議決を国会の議決とする。
Article 60.
1. The budget must first be submitted to the House of Representatives.
2. Upon consideration of the budget, when the House of Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House of Representatives, and when no agreement can be reached even through a joint committee of both Houses, provided for by law, or in the case of failure by the House of Councillors to take final action within thirty (30) days, the period of recess excluded, after the receipt of the budget passed by the House of Representatives, the decision of the House of Representatives shall be the decision of the Diet.
Article LXXX.
The Diet may disapprove, reduce, increase or reject any item in the budget or add new items.
The Diet shall appropriate no money for any fiscal year in excess of the anticipated income for that period, including the proceeds of any borrowings.
第七章 財政
第八十条 国会ハ予算ノ項目ヲ不承認、減額、増額若ハ却下シ又ハ新タナル項目ヲ追加スルコトヲ得