第一章 天皇
第六条 天皇は、国会の指名に基いて、内閣総理大臣を任命する。
(2) 天皇は、内閣の指名に基いて、最高裁判所の長たる裁判官を任命する。
Article 6.
1. The Emperor shall appoint the Prime Minister as designated by the Diet.
2. The Emperor shall appoint the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court as designated by the Cabinet.
CHAPTER I. The Emperor
Article V.
The Emperor appoints as Prime Minister the person designated by the Diet.
Article LXXI.
The Supreme Court shall consist of a chief justice and such number of associate justices as may be determined by the Diet. All such justices shall be appointed by the Cabinet and shall hold office during good behavior but not after the attainment of the age of 70 years, provided however that all such appointments shall be reviewed at the first general election held following the appointment and thereafter at every general election held immediately following the expiration of ten calendar years from the next prior confirmation. Upon a majority vote of the electorate not to retain the incumbent the office shall become vacant.
All such justices shall receive, at regular, stated intervals, adequate compensation which shall not be decreased during their terms of office.
第一章 皇帝
第五条 皇帝ハ国会ノ指名スル者ヲ総理大臣ニ任命ス
第七十一条 最高法院ハ首席判事及国会ノ定ムル員数ノ普通判事ヲ以テ構成ス右判事ハ凡ヘテ内閣ニ依リ任命セラレ不都合ノ所為無キ限リ満七十歳ニ到ルマテ其ノ職ヲ免セラルルコト無カルヘシ但シ右任命ハ凡ヘテ任命後最初ノ総選挙ニ於テ、爾後ハ次ノ先位確認後十暦年経過直後行ハルル総選挙ニ於テ、審査セラルヘシ若シ選挙民カ判事ノ罷免ヲ多数決ヲ以テ議決シタルトキハ右判事ノ職ハ欠員ト為ルヘシ